David Bowman, Major Tom, and the Planets
Robert Voisey
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Description of CD
Soft Launch (2001) 5:53
mercury retrograde (2001) 5:53
Radio Static in the clouds of venus (2001) 6:56
"the symbol for earth" (2001) 5:07
MISSION: Mars (2001) 4:31
Jovial Jupiter(2001) 6:53
Lazy Saturdays (2001) 2:55
C King (2001) 5:57
Oberon Rising over ice (2001) 4:54
eccentric orbits (2001) 3:07
Soft Launch (2001) 1:37 electronic
Prepare, this track is loud, as it should be. Beware some of the sounds will test your speakers so my suggestion is to tread softly. ;) I never knew where Vox Novus would take me. After joining the ranks of the dotcom industry I learned about launching websites. I developed and launched my own website, to help me with the promptional aspects of contemporary composition. To commemorate this launch I created a CD in the beginning of 2001 with my new hardware.
mercury retrograde (2001) 3:21 electronic
There are many themes to this album. In most of my music there is a journey of some sort. Sometimes I like to place people into en environment and let them enjoy the landscape, but usually there is still some narrative being played out. I have always been interested in the stars. Some of those bodies which we called stars are actually planets. Planets have always been an interesting name for me. In Greek it means "wanderers", because to the Greeks they were stars which wandered in different places in the nigt sky. Mercury is the best example of this phenomane, because of its orbit and its order in the solar system in relation to Earth, we watch this "wanderer" travel throughout the heavens. Most prominent is when this planet is wandering in its retrograde motion. As this blurb is being written, I think how interesting it is that this first planet feels like the ethnicity of the music of when I first wandered to Israel.
Radio Static in the clouds of venus (2001) 3:10 electronic
The clouds of Venus block most eveything from the surface to space and true is of the reverse. The brightest planet seen from Earth it was named Venus for its beauty shinig in the darkness. You should know now that I am a bit of a trickster. When you are looking in one hand I am most likely doing somthing another in the other hand. Foreshadowing is the best way to set up this illusion. This track sets a theme another reoccuring theme in most of my music, however it is obscured in the beauty of static.
"the symbol for earth" (2001) 2:53 electronic
About 90 % of this ablum is based on my voice, manipulated in many ways, but my voice nonetheless. In fact with the exception of static noise, sine tones, a few natural noises, and one quote every sound you hear in this album is my voice. In this track, my voice is displayed in a raw fashion. The title of this piece is , the astronomical symbol for the planet Earth. While understand the inadequacy of the English language to cope with this title, it is subtitled "the symbol for earth" which is also a double intendre. I am the writer of this text.
MISSION: Mars (2001) 4:19 electronic
Venus and Mars, male and female, peace and war, and in the center of this all is the Earth. It is so ironic that unwittingly the Greeks placed us inbetween this diachotomy. For my part I am completely caught in this oscilating rhythm, between passion and calculation, to my credit and to my demise. I am the author for the text for this work.
Jovial Jupiter (2001) 6:53 electronic
If you haven't guessed by now, I am paying homage to Gustav Holst's work The Planets. I was always fascinated by the way he approached composing each of the planets. I believe Jupiter to be most clever instead of being a regal monarch to being more in the light of fat jolly old king. This brings us to the other topics in the title of this album. Directly referencing to David Bowie's Space Oddity and Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Oddesey. There is really too much to explain what is going on here with the title, so let me say this. I watched 2001 when I was 4, all the way through, without being bored, and have watched it many times since. If that doesn't say something I don't know what will. And for David Bowie, I think I will let his music speak for itself, except to ask, "Who is Major Tom?"
Lazy Saturdays (2001) 2:55 electronic
The best thing about old Science Fiction movies is that while they are showing the future, they are also an icon of the past. In Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Oddesey, this is seen as with any other film, just take a look at Georg Melies' silent film A Trip to the Moon (1902) Here I take trip down memory lane, to pasts not regularly remembered or necesarily accurate. I am the author of this text.
C King (2001) 5:57 electronic
The sea is expansive and deep, much like space. Hiding beyond the realm of visual site lies Neptune a planet name as the ruler of the sea. What lurks in the deep, neptune as a Greek god was always revered and feared.
Oberon Rising over ice (2001) 4:54 electronic
eccentric orbits (2001) 3:07 electronic
I am the author of this text.
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