Select List of Works

Large Ensemble
Heroic Overture #1: Cuchulainn* - Youth orchestra (2005)
Odipor�a* - SATB and Orchestra (2002)
On the Edge* - Orchestra (2002)
Between the Extremes* - Orchestra (2001)
Perspectives - Orchestra (2000)
Stepping Through. . . - Orchestra (1999)
Ten High - Solo Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1996).

Chamber Music
Winter Solstice - Cello and Piano (2004)
Lewis Fanfare - Brass and Percussion (2004)
Kreutzer Fantasy - Violin, Cello, and Piano (2004)
Improvisation for Violoncello and Percussionists - (2004)
Conversation 2 - Vibraphone (2003)
Insistent Disturbance - Piano and Percussion (2003)
Rainbow Magnetic Spinning Wheel - 4-hand Piano (2003)
Views for Piano (2001)
Two Images for Violin * (2001)
Experience 3 * - Fl, Ob, Cl, Vlc (2000)
Hamburger Pattie Machine * - Cl, Vl, Vlc (1999)
Conversation * - Flute (1999)
Trio Divergent - Fl, Vlc, Perc (1999)
Three Short Pieces for Six Players - Fl, Cl, Perc, Vl, Vlc, and Piano (1999)
Three Preludes for Piano (1999)
Music for Flute Violin and Piano (1998)
Experience 1 (1997)
Music for Viola and Piano (1996)
Red Earth - Fl, Cl, Perc, Vl, Vlc, and Piano (1996)

Electroacoustic Music
Canticle - Baritone and 5.1 playback (2006)
Torrid Mix - Piano and tape (2006)
Minute Distances - Tape (2005)
􀏶p􀏶x ≥ h/4π - Tape (2004)
9.17.2003 - Tape (2004)
Dos Paisajes * - Violin and tape (2002)
Retrospection * - Tape (2001)
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