October 7, 2015 |
In the middle of its 11th season 60x60 is going strong with 7 performances this month! From bright lights of New York City to the stars at the Fleischmann Planetarium in Reno, Nevada.
The largest concert series created by Vox Novus, 60x60 has presented the works of thousands of composers in more than 30 countries in over 350 performances.
60x60 has collaborated with every sort of media from concert performances and sound installations to video screenings, photography exhibits, radio and TV shows to Dance. 60x60 has collaborated with thousands or artists all over the world.
60x60 has been presented in front of tens of thousands of audiences exposing them to the wealth and variety of contemporary music.
For more than a decade Vox Novus has promoted contemporary music and its creators through concerts, recordings, publications, broadcasts, and online publicity.
Vox Novus is multi-faceted organization containing several programs and methods to present and promote artists; these include: ComposersSite.com, an opportunity database which reaches a large community of composers with average 600 hits a day; MusicAvatar.com, an online submission engine processing 5-10 calls at any given time; NM421, a newsletter reaching to 2000 members with an average of 1000 hits a week; social networking pages for programs on facebook, twitter, and with thousands of followers across the platforms; and 4 concert series: Composer’s Voice, a monthly chamber concert series; 60x60, a touring multimedia performance; Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame a touring chamber performance; and Circuit Bridges, a monthly electro-acoustic series. Critically acclaimed for creative solutions, Vox Novus strive to create a multitude of artistic opportunities for as many artists as possible.
Vox Novus has 15 years producing, presenting and promoting new music. Founded by composer Robert Voisey, Vox Novus uses a “maximalist” approach introducing new work to audiences everywhere.
With a spirit of discovery, Vox Novus uses its concert programs to empower thousands of composers and musicians in 40 countries on 5 continents. For more than a decade, Vox Novus has commissioned and premiered the works of thousands of composers around the world from every walk of life with different aesthetics, styles, and career stages. Vox Novus always embraces an ideology of presenting a broad cross-section of the great wealth of contemporary music being written today.
Endeavoring to reach the largest audience, Vox Novus has presented over 500 performances across the planet. Highlight presentations include Carnegie Hall, Stratford Circus for Open Weekend for 2012 Olympics, Winter Garden Atrium, Enwave Theater in Toronto, St Louis Sheldon Theater for the American Arts Experience, Dance Parade in Tompkins Park, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.
Vox Novus brings its programming approach to common and untraditional venues alike focusing on reaching audiences with dynamic presentation practices. Performances have been presented in various types of venues from concert halls to classrooms; from contemporary museums to art galleries; from projections on building walls to installations in storefront windows; from large public atriums to bars and nightclubs. Vox Novus has presented its performances on TV, radio, Internet, film, video, festivals, concert performances, bar/nightclub happenings and sound/art installations.
See more about the mission here:
The core of our events, celebrating 15 years of bringing new music to new audiences, is our Vox Novus Festival, which is taking place in New York City, from October 22 - 24.
Kicking off with the premiere screening of xMV, our experimental video/music series, followed by Circuit Bridges, our monthly electro-acoustic series; 2 huge 60x60 dance programs at the Winter Garden on Friday, and 2 more over-the-top events with Composer’s Voice and Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame at Symphony Space on October 24, 2015.
For more information check out www.voxnovus.com/XV/60x60
(NEW YORK, NEW YORK) 60x60 Dance presents 60 one-minute audio pieces by different composers paired with 60 different dances creating a one-hour non-stop performance. Two performances at 12:30 PM and 8:00 PM on Friday, October 23rd in the Winter Garden at Brookfield Place, New York City make up part of the Vox Novus Festival celebrating its 15 years presenting and promoting new music.
“The idea — 60 new dance pieces are performed to 60 new pieces of music, each lasting no more than 60 seconds — is quite mad. But it’s this kind of madness that makes the cultural world go round” –New York Times
This one-hour audio mix is a compilation of works submitted to the 60x60 project from its beginning in 2003 and includes music luminaries: Joan LaBarbara, Annea Lockwood, Pauline Oliveros, Laurie Spiegel, Barry Truax; as well as, Greg Bartholomew, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz, Eve Beglarian, Stephen Betts, John Biggs, John Bilotta, Benjamin Boone, George Brunner, Warren Burt,CDZ, Paul Clouvel, Dan Cooper, Lin Culbertson, Alvin Curran, Douglas DaSilva, Brad Decker, Robert Dick, Larry Gaab, Iris Garrelfs, Monroe Golden, Josh Goldman, Melissa Grey, David Gunn, David Hahn, Andy Hasenpflug, Lynn Job, Aaron Johnson, Tova Kardone, Juraj Kojs, HyeKyung Lee, Stephen Lias, Patrick Liddell, Elainie Lillios, John Link, Charles Norman Mason, Paula Matthusen, Mike McFerron, Angela McGary, Christian McLeer, David Morneau, Jeff Morris, Serban Nichifor, , Milca Paranosic, Maggi Payne, Joe Pehrson, Gene Pritsker, Margaret Schedel, Judith Shatin, Alan Shockley, Allen Strange, Hans Tammen, Eldad Tsbary, Robert Voisey, Jane Wang, and Rodney Waschka.
Eclectic by nature, 60x60 Dance offers an unmatched diversity of styles, making for a fast-speed, electrifying, one-of-a-kind performance that never ceases to surprise. Dances will span all forms from ballet to hip-hop to ballroom and contemporary, while music includes neo-romantic, folk ,tech-house, noise, rock and everything but the kitchen sink. This year’s 60x60 Dance is co-directed by choreographers Fran Sperling (SkyBody) and Andrea Skurr (Ruah, Inc).
Notable choreographers returning to 60x60 Dance for this unique performance include: Daniel Gwirtzman, Nicole Buggé, BEings dance with Emily Bufferd, Inclined Dance Project with Kristen Klein; a well as, Gwen Potter, Charly Wenzel, Jamila Holman, Jen Roit, Gwen Potter, Holly Maddock, Monifa Kincaid, Aimee Plauche, Jonathan Lassiter, Jenny Efremova, Erin Pryor, Joey Dillon, Jennifer & Jaclyn Enchin, Sameena Mitta, Mito Pavio, Angel Fan, Daniel Gwirtzman, Joya Powell, Sean Boyt, Sarah Esser, KatieRose, Jerel Hercules, Karesia Batan, Morgelyn Tenbeth-Ward, Katelyn Halpern, Caitlin Dulton, Hannah Ulmer, Jaime Shannon, James Huggins, Rebecca McCurdy, Ann Dragich, Natalie Eramo, Rachel Harvest, Bassam Kubba, Randy Kato, Katya Bryleva, and many more!
60x60 Dance is being presented at the Winter Garden at Brookfield Place in New York City as part of the Vox Novus Festival celebrating 15 years of new music. The festival highlights other Vox Novus programs: Composer’s Voice, Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame, and Circuit Bridges from October 22-24 at Symphony Space, the Winter Garden, and Gallery MC. Visit www.VoxNovus.com/XV for more details.
Vox Novus Festival:60x60 Dance
Friday, October 23, 2015 12:30 pm and 8:00 pm
Brookfield Place Winter Garden 230 Vesey St, New York, NY 10281
FREE admission
It is impossible to celebrate all that 60x60 does in just one city!
Take a look at these other exciting 60x60 performaces taking place throughout the world this October:
On Friday October 15, 2015 6:00 PM 60x60 will make its debut at its first planetarium performance in Reno, Nevada.
The Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center will be featuring the 60x60 Presenters mix
The 60x60 Presenters mix is designed to honor and present those composers who have helped promote the 60x60 cause. This mix of 60x60 includes the works of composers who have presented 60x60 performances in the past, present and future. Robert Ratcliffe is the audio coordinator for the 60x60 (2012) Presenters Mix.
A big thank you to planetarium director Dan Ruby - who went out of his way to organize this presentation of 60x60! Thank you University of Nevada, Reno / the Fleischmann Planetarium / and especially planetarium director Dan Ruby for this unique presentation of 60x60!
Composers in the 60x60 Presents Mix include:
Liana Alexandra, Ricardo Arias, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz, Rich Bitting, Benjamin Boone, Scott Brickman, George Brunner, Paul Clouvel, Zlatko Cosic, Douglas DaSilva, Brad Decker, Paul Dibley, Erin Dougherty, Leonardo Duerto, Chris Flores, Douglas Geers, Josh Goldman, Melissa Grey, David Gunn, Bruce Hamilton, Dorothy Hindman, Yoko Honda, Lynn Job, Aaron Krister Johnson, Tova Kardonne, Juraj Kojis, Patrick Liddell, Elainie Lillios, Moises Linares, John Link, Blake Martin, Charles Norman Mason, Mike McFerron, Jeff Morris, Serban Nichifor, Rich O'Donnel, Michael James Olson, David R Peoples, Kala Pierson, Christopher Preissing, William Price, Gene Pritsker, Robert Ratcliffe, Robert Sazdov, Jacky Schreiber, Nivedita ShivRaj, Alan Shockley, Juan Maria Solare, Adam Sovkoplas, Adam Stansbie, Allan Strange, Eldad Tsabary, Katerina Tzedaki, Jeremy Van Buskirk, Robert Voisey, Patricia Walsh, Andrew Walters, Rodney Waschka, Aaron Word, and Sabrina Pena Young
You can see the concert program here: http://www.voxnovus.com/60x60/2012_Presenters_Mix.htm
60x60 at Fleischmann Planetarium
60x60 Presenters Mix
Friday -
10/16/2015 -
6:00 PM
Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center
K-12 Outreach and Informal Education, Raggio Research Center for STEM Education
Mail Stop 0272
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557
Long time supporter of 60x60, Serban Nichifor will present the 60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix at the Romanian Athenaeum in Bucharest Romania for VOX NOVUS FESTIVAL ROMANIA. Serban Nichifor was responsible for holding the first 60x60 concert outside of New York City in 2004 and has subsequently presented more than 10 different 60x60 mixes in Romania; not including other Vox Novus projects such as Composer’s Voice and Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame.
More information about the 60x composers selected for the 60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix can be found here:
60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - 7:00 PM
Romanian Athenaeum / Bucharest Philharmonic
Strada Benjamin Franklin 1-3, Bucuresti, Romania
Another veteran to 60x60 will be presenting the 60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix at the University of Miami. Charles Norman Mason and the Living Music Foundation have been both a guide and an ally to the project since 2003. Also responsible for presenting 60x60, Composer’s Voice, and Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame in Alabama and Florida, the Living Music Foundation has been an aid in not-for-profit ventures.
More information about the 60x composers selected for the 60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix can be found here:
60x60 XV Mix - Audio Performance
October 23, 2015 - 1:25-2:25 PM
Composition Forum October 23
Frost School of Music
University of Miami
Volpe 203
Coral Gables, FL
Composer and 60x60 curator Alan Shockley will present 60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix in Long Beach, California on
Wednesday October 28th, 10 p.m., Daniel Recital Hall, California State University, Long Beach
More information about the 60x composers selected for the 60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix can be found here:
60x60 - Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix
Wednesday October 28th, 10 p.m.
Daniel Recital Hall
California State University
Long Beach, California
HyeKyung Lee and Chris Faur will be presenting the 60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix in Denison, Ohio on Friday, Oct. 30, 2015 - 4:30 PM at Knapp Performance Space, Denison University
More information about the 60x composers selected for the 60x60 Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix can be found here:
60x60 - Vox Novus 15th Anniversary Mix
Friday, Oct. 30, 2015 - 4:30 PM
Knapp Performance Space Denison University 300 Ridge Road, Granville, OH 43023
Hang on tight! This is a big month for 60x60 but it isn't over yet. Soon to come announcements for the 60x60 BPM Mix, the 60x60 Death Mix, the 60x60 11th International Mix, more audio performances, more dance performances
Music Avatar is a great new way to upload works for composer opportunities hassle free! You will be able to submit, update, and modify your submission all the way up to the deadline date of the opportunity.