Calling for Proposals for HARD EIGHT

Deadline August 8, 2013
Composer's Voice is calling for performance proposals for its concert scheduled December 8th, 2013. The theme for the concert is "Hard Eight" All proposals must be less than 8 minutes in total; applicants are STRONGLY urged to keep their proposals for performances between 4-8 minutes. The concert is a celebration of Composer's Voice founder and Director Robert Voisey for his 44th birthday.
Performance Proposals should include:
- Title
- Relation to theme – (program notes)
- Instrumentation
- Length of performance
- Biographies of performers and composers
- All proposals should be submitted by August 8, 2013 to
- The email subject should read Hard Eight – your name - Title of Proposal
Chosen applicants will receive a performance slot on Composer's Voice concert December 8th, 2013 at Jan Hus Church in New York City, PR and administrative assistance from Composer's Voice, and the heartfelt appreciation of Robert Voisey. :)
Proposals should indicate if they need Vox Novus and Composer's Voice to help recruit musicians. Any and all questions should be address to with "Hard Eight" in the subject heading.

Dice (commonly known as craps), is a game often played for money where the player (referred to as the shooter) rolls 2 dice hoping to roll a winning combination. The number 8 can be obtained 3 ways. The "easy way" by rolling a 6 and 2 or a 3 and 5, or the "hard way" by rolling a 4 and 4. "Hard" numbers are any 2 pair combinations: 2 and 2, 3 and 3, 4 and 4, 5 and 5, and 6 and 6. Betting on the "hard" number combination results in a larger return when it is thrown.
Rob Voisey will be turning 44 on this Composer's Voice concert in December; and it will be "hard" as the age suggests. *Crap* :)
Click here for more details