Daily 49er News' Evan Cornutt reports.
Click here to listen to a podcast from Daily 49er News Radio interview 60x60 presenter Alan Shockley about the 60x60 performance at University Art Museum in Long Beach, California.
Sixty Songs in Sixty Minutes - Daily 49er News' Evan Cornutt reports.
by Patricia Walsh
The Presenters Mix 2012 was heard by an enthusiastic audience on Tuesday, 20 November, at the Electronic & Digital Art Unit, University of Central Lancashire, Preston UK. A fantastic sound system was specially assembled at EDAU for this eagerly awaited occasion with the 60x60 Presenters Mix 2012 being played simultaneously in the four rooms, halls and stairways of the building. The original sound quality of these 60x60 works were only enhanced further by this fabulous sounding set-up which everyone agreed brought the whole venue to life.
This feature was fully appreciated by many of the listeners who moved, somewhat stealthily, in and around the various spaces to experience and immerse themselves in the unique acoustics and characteristics of each area. Three well-placed and synchronised clocks helped to keep a track of the 60 works for those who were keen to follow the artists list. It was a memorable, unique and exciting event and not to be missed!
One reason why Robert Voisey’s 60x60 format works so well is because the awareness and anticipation of a new track every minute makes for a truly unexpected, interesting and engaging hour. 60 eclectic works which seem to create either a random extension or suspension of time that is dependent solely upon the listener’s interpretation of each piece.
Over the course of the event, the Presenters Mix was played out twice. Comedy, catastrophe and everything in between found its place amongst the vast range of works, genres and concepts in this 60x60 mix. At the end of the first hour a spontaneous round of applause drew everyone back together from the various listening points.
A second airing was then enjoyed over drinks and lively discussions on the many different favourites along with some intriguing debate on the merits of the ‘minute maxim’ itself. The hilarious #37 by Mike Ferron; Last Night I Dreamt My House Was Clean by Elaine Lillios; Nevada by Robert Voisey; Pluvial Precipitations in the Iberian Peninsula by Juan Maria Solare and Himalayan Queen by Nivedita ShivRaj were just some of the favourites mentioned - only limited space here prevents the naming of more!
A silent black and white video made specifically for this event by its curator, Patricia Walsh, accompanied the Presenters Mix 2012 on a six-minute loop, displaying by turns the 60x60 Vox Novus website information and a smoothly swinging pendulum.
Many thanks to David Henckel, Dan Wilkinson and Leon Hardman at EDAU for all their help and assistance and to Lubaina Himid and Matt Gregory at Uclan. Thanks also to Robert Ratcliffe for all his work coordinating the audio for the 60x60 Presenters Mix 2012.
In celebration of 60x60's celebration of a decade of one-minute works. 60x60 has created its second UK mix for 2012 containing only composers from the United Kingdom. Elainie Lillios is the audio coordinator for this mix
Composers slected for the 60x60 (2012) UK Mix include:
Monty Adkins,
Torsten Anders,
Hannibal Eric Andersen,
Robert Bentall,
David John Bird,
Paul Burnell,
Bernard Clarke,
Ricardo Climent,
Adam Cullen,
Philip Watts d'Alton,
Aidan Deery,
Gordon Delap,
Robert J Dow,
Roger L Doyle,
Ambrose Field,
Diego Garro,
Gerard Gormley,
Daniel Grossman,
Kerry L Hagan,
Christopher Haworth,
Connor Hutton,
Fergus Johnston,
Elischa Kaminer,
Ka Yau Lau,
Sebastien Lavoie,
Augustine Jan Seth Maranatha Bannatyne Leudar,
Jesse Lyons,
John Howard Maycraft,
Danny Mc Carthy,
Daniel Clive McCallum,
Stephen McCourt,
Liam Molloy,
Adrian Moore,
Peter Mottram,
Roger Norwood,
Emma O'Halloran,
Mariko Otake,
Felipe Otondo,
Lefteris Papadimitriou,
Karen Power,
Stephan Probst,
Robert Ratcliffe,
Philip Reeder,
Peter Roberts,
Paul J Rogers,
David Warren Ross,
Stephen Jay Schumacher,
Richard Scott,
Les Scott,
Nichola Scrutton,
Achilleas Sourlas,
Joe Stevens,
Pete Stollery,
Theo Vidgen,
Patricia Walsh,
Lisa Whistlecroft,
Tom Williams,
Paul Wilson,
Simon D. Wilson, and
Nena Zinovieff
You can find more out at:
60x60 (2012) UK Mix
Two things to always remember about PR: “You don’t read the press you weigh it.” and “There is no such thing as bad press.”
Promote, promote, promote; the more exposure you get, the more successful your career will be. It doesn’t matter where the press comes from; it doesn’t matter what they say; it doesn’t matter how they say it; as long as they are talking about you and your work; it is press that you want.
I used to make a caveat saying, “as long as the reviewer isn’t a Nazi, no press is bad press;” however, think about it, Hitler didn’t ruin Wagner’s career. So let me repeat: you always want the most press you can muster.
Never worry about a bad review. If you do get a bad review, c’est la
vie; and welcome to the club. We all get bad reviews, we all get bad
performances, and not every piece is loved and adored. In fact, after you write the piece your opinion matters very little in the scheme of things. The most important thing you can do for your career is to get it out there to as many people as you can. Let the work stand for itself.
All PR counts in your favor, that goes from a “like” on your page from your mom, to a feature article in the Sunday edition of the New York Times. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad; be professional, (always be polite and professional) and spread the NEWS for everyone to see.
I am not saying to advertise a bad review per se; however, there is merit in using bad press which I have done myself personally. But don’t cry over a bad review or comment. And for your career’s sake, if your work got lauded by a review, award, comment, or performances; promote it and pass it on to whoever will listen. This is exactly what fan pages, twitter feeds, and blogs are made for.
One important note to remember: people are watching, especially on the web. For example, as a producer I have systems to see what announcements are being posted on the Internet and who is linking to the Vox Novus website and project pages. I think most people are getting the importance of generate traffic due to facebook with their “like” pages.
When a composer or musician introduces themselves to me, the first thing I do is “google” their name and read their: official website, Wikipedia, Facebook, or LinkedIn pages. Hopefully, on one of those pages there is a link to a performance of their music. And I do that in two minutes or less otherwise I usually move on.
Your home page should be top of any Google search; however, the more listings you have on that first page containing sites which are talking about you, the more interest you will generate for your career. And the only way you get that is by doing the above.
December 5, 4:00 pm (16:00)
Dinu Lipatti Concert Hall of the
National University of Music Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania
The 60x60 Presenters mix is designed to honor and present those composers who have helped promote the 60x60 cause. This mix of 60x60 includes the works of composers who have presented 60x60 performances in the past, present and future. Robert Ratcliffe is the audio coordinator for the 60x60 (2012) Presenters Mix.
This event is presented by Serban Nichifor.
musicBYTES presents
60x60 (2012) Presenters Mix
Friday, December 7, 12:00 PM noon
Lewis University
Ives Hall
Romeoville, Illinois
The 60x60 Presenter’s Mix 2012 comprises of 60 one-minute compositions by 60 artists and composers which are heard over the course of one hour.
"sure to delight; or at least some of the pieces will tickle your fancy" - Classical Voice in North Carolina
This 60x60 performance event is presented by Mike McFerron.
Composers in the 60x60 (2012) Presenters Mix include:
Liana Alexandra, Ricardo Arias, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz, Rich Bitting, Benjamin Boone, Scott Brickman, George Brunner, Paul Clouvel, Zlatko Cosic, Douglas DaSilva, Brad Decker, Paul Dibley, Erin Dougherty, Leonardo Duerto, Chris Flores, Douglas Geers, Josh Goldman, Melissa Grey, David Gunn, Bruce Hamilton, Dorothy Hindman, Yoko Honda, Lynn Job, Aaron Krister Johnson, Tova Kardonne, Juraj Kojis, Patrick Liddell, Elainie Lillios, Moises Linares, John Link, Blake Martin, Charles Norman Mason, Mike McFerron, Jeff Morris, Serban Nichifor, Rich O'Donnel, Michael James Olson, David R Peoples, Kala Pierson, Christopher Preissing, William Price, Gene Pritsker, Robert Ratcliffe, Robert Sazdov, Jacky Schreiber, Nivedita ShivRaj, Alan Shockley, Juan Maria Solare, Adam Sovkoplas, Adam Stansbie, Allan Strange, Eldad Tsabary, Katerina Tzedaki, Jeremy Van Buskirk, Robert Voisey, Patricia Walsh, Andrew Walters, Rodney Waschka, Aaron Word, and Sabrina Pena Young
For more information click here 60x60 (2012) Presenters Mix
60x60 Dance is seeking choreographers and dancers of all styles and genres to participate in the upcoming 60x60 Dance event in Toronto on Sunday March 10 at 8 p.m.
Posted: 21 Jul 2012 09:49 AM PDT
Expiration of Opportunity:
Sixteenth Biennial Competition
$2000 cash prize provided by Hinshaw Music, performance at the 2014 AGO National Convention in Boston, Mass., and publication by Hinshaw Music, Inc.
Instructions for Competitors
Composers are invited to submit an original work, no longer than 8 minutes in duration, for organ plus any combination of two instruments from the woodwind and/or brass families. The work may be in any single- or multi-movement form and should show the composer’s ability to write idiomatically for the instruments.
read more 
22nd Annual Underwood New Music Readings & Commission
Posted: 08 Nov 2012 10:53 AM PST
Expiration of Opportunity:
22nd Annual Underwood
New Music Readings
& Commission
April 8-10, 2013, DiMenna Center , NYC
DEADLINE: December 10, 2012, 5:00PM (EST)
American Composers Orchestra announces its 22nd Annual Underwood New Music Reading Sessions to be held in New York City at The DiMenna Center on April 8-10, 2013.
Up to six composers in the early stages of their careers will be selected to participate. One will be awarded a $15,000 commission to write a new work to be performed by ACO.
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2012-13 Ossia International Composition Prize
Posted: 07 Nov 2012 11:33 AM PST
Expiration of Opportunity:
OSSIA, the Eastman School of Music’s student-run contemporary music organization, is pleased to announce a call for scores for its 2012/13 OSSIA International Composition Prize. Now in its sixteenth season, OSSIA continues to take pride in a tradition of high-quality performances of a broad spectrum of contemporary music. For more information about OSSIA, please visit www.ossianewmusic.org.
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The Chapman University Conservatory of Music is seeking applicants for an Associate Professor of Music Theory and Composition in the College of Performing Arts
Posted: 06 Nov 2012 08:34 AM PST
Expiration of Opportunity:
The Chapman University Conservatory of Music is seeking applicants for an Associate Professor of Music Theory and Composition in the College of Performing Arts beginning in the 2013-14 academic year. Credit toward tenure will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
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