60x60 project
"It's like a Whitman's sampler of the contemporary new music scene."
- Greg Haymes, Times Union
Frequently Asked Questions
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Questions about the 60x60 concept:

What is 60x60?

60x60 is annual project including 60 works from 60 different composers where each work is 60 seconds (or less) in length.

The project represents a hge endeavor not only to promote contemporary music but also to collaborate all forms of art such as dance, video, photography, etc. These endeavors are seen in the multimedia collaborations 60x60 Dance and 60x60 Video.

Why 60 seconds?

60 seconds was chosen because it was an even interval of time, one minute.

What can happen in 60 seconds?

“A minute can be ample time to express a whole gamut of imaginative sounds, or it can be a constraint which forces an artist to isolate what is the most important element of a work. The point of the project is that it enables an audience to take in and enjoy a cross section of different approaches to new music within a reasonable duration.” – Malcolm Miller, Music and Vision

Why 60 pieces?

60 pieces was chosen to present the maximum amount of artists during an intermissionless performance with exact intervals of time, one minute. (An intermissionless performance is a performance without breaks, pause or intermissions; the performance runs continuously)

Why a clock?

The clock is a guide for the audience to show when each piece starts and ends during the one hour performance.

“In the end “60x60” provided a lesson in perception; it’s astonishing how elastic a minute can be. Some of these pieces were over by the time you had checked a name in the program; others seemed to drag on well beyond their allotted time. But they didn’t. The clocks told us so.” - ROSLYN SULCAS, New York Times

60x60 Submissions questions

Can a work be less than 60 seconds?

Yes, all works less than 60 seconds will be “padded” with silence either before or after the piece.

Can a work be more than 60 seconds?

No, the work must be exactly 60 seconds or less to be included in the project.

Can I submit an excerpt of a longer piece?

Excerpts are strongly discouraged; works should be complete onto themselves.

Can I submit a piece that has been performed before?

Yes, works that have been debuted elsewhere are acceptable, but we prefer original works specificaly for 60x60.

Can I submit a work that has been produced or presented elsewhere?

Yes, works produced elsewhere are acceptable; however you must attain all the rights both author and publisher in order to submit the work.

Can I submit more than one piece?

Yes, you may submit more than one work.

Can I submit more than one work?


What type of works are you looking for?

60x60 is an ecclectic gathering of many different styles, aesthetics and genres; the idea is to create a representatiion of what is happening in today's art scene. The project looks for “signature works” which describes the composers aesthetic or music idea in 60 seconds and “electroacoustic experiments” which allow a sound artist to explore the medium. Therefore no specific aesthetic or genre is preferred over another.

Do you only pick 60 composers for the project in one year?

No, each year we strive to produce and promote as many composers as possibly feasible with our resources and opportunities. 60 composers are picked for the International Mix. In general we promote at least another 100 composers on each Radio Request Extravaganza we hold. And we promote another 60 composers for each alternate mix we create that year form the submissions received.