60x60 project
"...are polished and cut rubies and diamonds, neatly packaged on a recorded disc
— miniatures, if you will..."
- Karen Moorman, Classical Voice of North Carolina
60x60 Achievements
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We have received more than 3000 submissions from more than 2000 composers.

There have been over 100 performances of the 60x60 project in more than 10 countries around the world, including performances in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, London, Lille, Munich, Sydney, Bucharest, and Istanbul.

The project has more than 20 different mixes featuring composers from specific regions or different themes. In 2007 we had our first theme mix on the topic of oppression and totalitarianism, dubbed the 60x60 Munich Mix.

Each year the 60x60 proect has collaborated with an artist from another artistic disciplines creating a multimedia experience. So far we have collaborated with an experimental film maker, a photographer, an improvisational videographer, a VJ, and a choreographer.

60x60 has streaming video of the 2004 collaboration with video artist, Shimpei Takeda.

60x60 has released 3 CD albums under the Capstone and Vox Novus labels.

The CD has been receiving radio airplay all around the world.

60x60 has aired many Radio Request Extravaganzas allowing composers to request their works for airplay.

60x60 is in its 6th year!

60x60 was created in 2003 by its Artistic Director, Robert Voisey.

Take a look at our scrapbook to see some more of our accomplishments.