B# Chamber Trio

b# chamber trio, formed in March 2021 to do new chamber music recitals in Chattanooga! We want to play music for people who need high-quality and free local concerts at area churches to build friendships between young and old classical music lovers. Music is a gift of God that is meant to be enjoyed in beautiful settings. Churches can provide a sanctuary for people who need connections, beauty, and inspiration in the long months of warm weather. We can seize the summer not just to grow beautiful flowers but to cultivate a long-lasting love of ensemble playing that will bear fruit in the coming generations of musicians and are now making some select winter appearances. You can stay up-to-date with our events by getting on our mailing list through contacting nicoledoranmusic@gmail.com

Ronda Benson Ford, flute

Dr. Ronda Benson Ford is currently instructor of flute at the Shorter University, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and the Cadek Conservatory of Music.

Dr. Ford is the principal flutist with the UTC Community Orchestra and previously performed with the Topeka Symphony. She has toured internationally with the International Flute Orchestra to Japan, Italy, and Hungary. Ford has had articles published in the peer reviewed Flutist Quarterly journal and Flute Talk magazine.

Dr. Nicole Doran, bassoon

Nicole is a bassoonist and composer/performer of chamber and church music. She is currently a community partner with Artsbuild and a member of Chamber Music America as well as the Music Teachers National Association. She has taught at Patrick Henry College, Bryan College, Liberty University, Most of the time she is a homeschool mom for budding musicians Grace and Marianne, and teaching music lessons out of her independent music studio based in Red Bank.

Emma Anderson, piano

Professor Emma Anderson is currently an instructor of Musicianship Lab I and II at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, as well as a staff accompanist. She also teaches piano and guitar at Chattanooga Music Academy, and subs frequently as a church musician.

Emma Anderson has performed in a variety of settings throughout Tennessee, including solo, chamber, and concerto concerts. Most recently, her master's recital was featured on Knoxville's classical music station, 91.9 FM.

Concert Dates

  • July 5th Online
  • July 6th Tennessee

15 one-minute selections for B# Chamber Trio

  • Trio for Flute, Bassoon & Piano

    Richard Campanelli

    Program notes for Trio for Bassoon, Flute and Piano Not really much to say about it. One has 1 minute and 3 instruments to try and show each one off to good advantage. It has always been my philosophy that program notes are a bit on the superfluous.

    I received my MM degree where I studied with Donald Harris. I attended Tanglewood with a Nikkos Skatkottas Fellowship where I studied with George Perle. From there I attended the University of MI where I studied with Leslie Bassett and William Bolcom.

  • Billowing Plumes of Filth

    Neil Crawford

    One might imagine a cartoonish group of factories with machinery churning rapidly and clouds of black smoke puffing out of their smokestacks in time to the music.

    Neil lives in Chandler, Arizona and has composed many short classical and pop works. He is interested in classical-sounding reinterpretation of rock music, and vice versa, particularly how rhythmic elements can be transformed in creative ways to evoke similar emotional responses in both genres.

  • Dancing with Daisies

    William J. Joel

    Hoping an skipping through a field of daisies!

    All things are connected. Each of Mr. Joel's interests informs each other. Mr. Joel, recently retired, has taught computer science since 1983 and has been a composer even longer. Several of his works are on YouTube (30 Degrees Below / Yhasmin Valenzuela, Flippin’ / Beth Ratay, Gravitas / Beth Ratay).

  • Toward the Dawn

    Hoyong Lee

    "Toward the Dawn" is for all who keep standing firm by their faith in the face of incomprehensible pain or crisis of life. Based on the harmony of three instruments, this piece represents the look of a soul marching bravely, like a spiritual pilgrim heading toward the dawn of enlightenment.

    Hoyong Lee (Seoul, South Korea, Master of Music) is a composer, sound artist and essayist. He was an Award of Distinction Winner in Matera Intermedia Festival 2016 in Italy. His pieces have been presented at world-renowned electro-acoustic music conferences & festivals in USA, Europe, Canada etc..

  • A white dove crossing the sea

    Kaori Nakano

    Despite being told that war is wrong, it still occurs around the world, with children as its primary victims. Can we make children happy in war? As individuals, we may feel powerless. Is praying our only option? Let's hope for peace during this one-minute musical piece.

    Kaori Nakano is a Japan-based composer, arranger, jazz pianist and educator.
In 2021 and 2022, her jazz ensemble works were selected, introduced and performed at the Jazz New Music Reading Session of The Midwest Clinic.Semi-Finalist for International Songwriting Competition 2021~22.

  • Un Buen Sazón   by

    Juan Luis de Pablo Enríquez Rohen

    Happily composed for the “B# Chamber Trio”, this piece is a traditional classic “Danzón”. It is a ‘dance’ exported from Cuba into Mexico during the second half of the Nineteenth Century. This piece reflects on God’s gift of joy expressed with the traditional music of Hispanic America.

    Most of his academic compositions are based on a multidisciplinary theory between music, astronomy and archaeology called: the “JLPER Theory”. However, on this occasion we will hear one vernacular style highly esteemed by the composer and which is encountered in his catalogue of more than six hundred compositions.

  • clarity

    Volker Ignaz Schmidt

    To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in aWild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour. (William Blake)

    Volker Ignaz Schmidt (born 1971 in Germany) studied computer science although his passion is music. He has composed solo works, chamber music, vocal pieces, orchestral music, one opera, conceptual and electronic music. He has written piano textbooks and he worked in school projects on contemporary music.

  • Divertimento 10

    Rudesindo Soutelo

    A triune entertainment to lift the spirit. The complex that organises the work, taken from the name of the dedicatee Trio, is {2, 4, 3, 4} or {[1, 1], [2, 2], 3, [2, 2]}.

    Born in Valdrães (Tui), in Galiza, on the 29th of February 1952. Composer and Master of Art Education (with a theme on the creation of a musical account, entitled A complexity of simples) and in Ensino de Música (Sons and songs of uma vida). He studied at the Conservatories of Vigo, Madrid and Schaffhausen (Suiça), and was taught by Rodolfo Halffter and Agustín González of Acilu in composition, and of Janos Meszaros in fagote. https://soutelo.eu/

  • Water

    Matthew Tirona

    "water" is a short, one-minute piece that highlights the meditative nature of the flute, bassoon, and piano combination through shifting harmonies and airy arpeggios.

    Matthew Tirona is a Filipino-American composer and producer studying composition, music technology, computer science, and mathematics in the prestigious Tufts University/New England Conservatory dual-degree program under Dr. John Mallia. Matthew has received national acclaim, with compositions and electronic music featured across the U.S. (Boston, NYC, Iowa City).

  • ClassICKal

    Alexander Unseth

    ClassICKal is classical...but not quite. It's a piece that describes if Beethoven collaborated with Broadway and bad musicians. The work sounds so familiar and yet so icky - luckily, it starts and ends in B# Major.

    As a self-taught composer, Alexander's music has won international acclaim. His pieces have been performed by orchestras, choirs, small ensembles, and soloists. He is also an accomplished cellist and pianist. Outside of music, he studies business and economics at University of Missouri-Kansas City.

  • Caprice en Si dièse mineur

    Jean-Pierre Vial

    This Caprice is a one-minute piece dedicated to the B# Chamber Trio and actually (and consistently) scored in B# minor. To help the B# Chamber Trio perform this piece, however, instrumental parts are written in C minor, a key that sounds identically while being more usual.

    Jean-Pierre Vial, born in 1946 near Paris, France, is a former software designer. At an early age, he learned the piano, the organ, and composed several pieces for both instruments. Over the last decade, various soloists, small ensembles, or orchestras have performed his music worldwide.

  • insomnia

    Joseph Vogel

    A lullaby overtaken by insomnia...

    Joseph Vogel is a composer of acoustic and electronic works for all kinds of instruments. He has an MA in Music Composition from the U of MN. He can be found teaching and performing around the Twin Cities. He lives in Minneapolis with his two cats, Morgaine & Gwenhwyfar.

  • The Forest

    Anna Vriend

    "The forest” is basically a musical painting of a forest environment with its associated feelings.

    Anna Vriend won third prize in the VIII International Composition Competition Opus Ignotum. Her works for bass clarinet solo and reed quintet respectively have been published by Alea Publishing. Several of her pieces for various instruments have been performed on Fifteen Minutes of Fame recently.

  • We're in phase

    Rozan Vroman

    The piano starts out with two parts that shift out of phase. When first the flute and then the Bassoon enter, they struggle to keep in phase.

    Rozan Vroman is a neuroscientist, artist and composer originally from Amsterdam and currently living in Glasgow. Because of her background in biology, both her art and music are inspired by ideas from science.

  • Daydream

    Blair Whittington

    I was fascinated by the possibilities of the combination of flute, bassoon and piano. The color of the instrumentation made me think in a polyphonic direction but I also wanted an immediately recognizable melody.

    Blair Whittington is a Los Angeles native and composer. His output as a composer has been in chamber music, songs and electronic music. His music has been performed across the United States and Europe.